Energy &
Vital Infrastructures

Get “in control” and comply with ENISA and Dutch Government regulations



With the RiskNow SaaS-platform you exactly know the status of all risks, controls and related tasks.

Risk & Compliance has never been so easy!


Risk & Control management according to the “Three Lines of Defense”

Many organisations have chosen for a risk management approach according to the Three Lines of Defense:

RiskNow fully supports risk management according to the three lines of defense:

Comply with ENISA regulations and the Dutch Wet beveiliging netwerk-en informatiesystemen (Wbni)

Providers of essential services and digital service providers must take technical and organizational measures in accordance with the Wbni.

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With RiskNow you can comply with the Wnbi by recording all risks and measures and by performing periodic checks.

Centralised Risk Issue Management

All risk issues in your processes and systems tracked in one system.

Cyber Security -

With RiskNow you can easily comply with Cyber Security standards issued by e.g.:

Risks surrounding Industrial Automation & Control Systems

The industry is increasingly paying more attention to (cyber) risks associated with Industrial Automation & Control Systems. These risks and related mitigation controls can also be managed with RiskNow.

Ready for inspection by the Dutch Telecom Agency?

As part of the Wbni, the Dutch Telecom Agency carries out inspections aimed at the design, existence and operation of the risk management process. You can demonstrate this process with RiskNow.

Partner network

RiskNow has a large network of experienced consultants and partners who can support you in strengthening your risk management and cyber security processes.