Easily track all risk & compliance tasks

Work together. Faster and easier.

Our services

With the RiskNow-platform you can quickly determine the status of all risks, controls and related tasks.

Risk & Compliance has never been so easy!

User experience by design

Design to provide users with the ultimate experience.

Dasboards & Reports

Easily see the status of all risks, controls and tasks in dashboards and reports.

Flexible control framework

Design your own control framework or select a framework from the library.

Risk & control Management

RiskNow fully supports the plan-do-check-act cycle for risk & control management.


Comply with laws and regulations

With the RiskNow-platform you can easily manage all activities to comply with laws and regulations such as ISO27001, SOC1/2/3, ISAE3402, DNB/COBIT, PCI-DSS, NIST-standaarden en de Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid (BIO). Select a framework from the library and you can directly start!







Reduce audit costs

With the RiskNow-platform you are fully prepared for audits and can save on audit costs. Auditors and consultants can easily get remote read access to data in RiskNow.

Efficiently test controls

By relating controls to multiple reference controls, you can apply the principle of “test-once, comply-to-many”. This reduces costs for testing controls and ensures that employees can spend less time on audits.

Privacy Management

The RiskNow platform allows organisations to easily demonstrate compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Records of Processing Activities

Easily record all your data processing in a data processing register.

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

 Select one of the templates or create your own. Assign them to an owner and a reviewer with deadlines and your DPIAs will be completed in no time.

Incident Handling



Record all privacy, security and compliance incidents in one central place. Easily record your report to the Data Protection Authorities.

Realtime dashboards

Whether you are a Board Manager, Risk Officer or Team Lead, the dashboard provides real time insight in the status of processes, risks and controls that are relevant for you. 

Supports the Three Lines of Defense

Many organisations have chosen for a risk management approach according to the Three Lines of Defense. RiskNow fully supports this approach.

One source of truth

Bye bye spreadsheets and insufficient version control. With RiskNow you’ll have one source of truth for your organisation including a clear audit trail that explains who changed what and when.

Fast & secure cloud platform

Your data is securely stored in a Microsoft Azure Datacentre in Europe that meetsISO27001/SOC2 and GDPR requirements.

Access to the platform is by default secured by passwords and two-factor authentication. You can also integrate RiskNow with your own Identity Management / Single Sign On solution.


E-mail alerts

Receive e-mail alerts during important events, for example when a new task has been assigned or a deadline is approaching.


RiskNow consultants have extensive experience in designing and implementing risk management and compliance processes that are “fit for purpose”. We also work together with highly qualified professionals and third consulting consulting firms that can assist SME’s and Enterprises with governance, risk and compliance projects.

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Eén waarheid

Weg met alle spreadsheets en onvoldoende versiebeheer. Met het RiskNow platform creert u één centrale waarheid voor uw organisatie welke voor iedereen toegankelijk is. Inclusief een audittrail met vastlegging wie/wat gewijzigd heeft.a